The highly anticipated fan film inspired by the Max Payne franchise, Max Payne Retribution, is to premiere on May 25th at a cinema in London. The premiere date was revealed after the crew of the movie send out a red carpet invitation to PayneReactor. This means the film has wrappe production completely. The screening of the film is for selected persons only. Apart from a desscode and some instructions on how to reach the cinema, no additional information on the film has been revealed. For example, it’s not know if there will be a public screening and when exactly the film will release online after it premiered. The festivities are to start at 17.30 with the film being displayed one hour later. We’re currently looking into possibilities to join the event.
Max Payne Retribution will introduce us to various new characters, while at the same time the creators are trying to stay true to the videogames. The official trailer of the movie was released several months ago, check it out below if you’d like to freshen up your memory or read our Q&A with the director if you would like to learn more.