The release of the anticipated fan film Max Payne: Retribution is only one more week away from us. In a recent live Q&A with Leroy Kincaide (writer and director of the film) the director revealed that he has created drafts of a Max Payne inspired project that could “span over 4 seasons” and would allow him to go more “into detail” about the Max Payne universe. The atmosphere is to described as “John Wick meets Daredevil.”.
Kincaide was forced to reveal bits of information about his future plans after various questions from fans, whom wittingly confronted him with the subject. This would implicate Kincaide to have dropped hints about his future endeavors before but this was unbeknownst to us. Pitching a Max Payne inspired series to Netflix seems rather ambitious and Kincaide seems to understand this. In order to get as much attention as possible he then requested all the Max Payne fans to rally up support and spread the word about the upcoming fan film. With Fox being the current owner of any film related rights regarding the Max Payne franchise, it’s unlikely Kincaide will have a chance at creating such series without their or a huge benefactor’s support. As you might remember, Fox hasn’t been keen on supporting fan films in the past. Rome wasn’t built in one day though!
When PayneReactor asked the director ‘what aspect of the movie he was most proud of?’, Kincaide responded with saying to see everything come together on the big screen during the premiere and to watch the responses from everybody in the audience. Such a humble man. Max Payne: Retribution will release on June 24th at 2PM GMT.