Why I keep wasting time in Destiny 2.

Something unprecedented happened this week. I’ve hit a major personal milestone. Since release, I’ve spent over 500 hours with Bungie’s Destiny 2. It’s by far the most amount of time I’ve ever put into one videogame. My playtime is in stark…

Destiny 2 Live Action Trailer.

Bungie has finally released a live action trailer for Destiny 2. Allow Cayde-6 to tell you everything that was lost when Earth fell. Who cares about puppies, no more skinny-no-foam-vanilla-lattes?! How am I supposed to survive office days now? Unless…

Destiny 2 has been announced via Twitter.

Destiny 2 has officially been announced via Twitter today. Apart from an image that contains the game’s logo, no other information about the much anticipated sequel has been released. Although the image does display a lot of fire and destruction, which…

Destiny characters will reset in sequel.

Destiny is one of the games I’ve spent hours on end playing with some friends. And I’m sure I was not the only one, as the game was a massive hit for Bungie. It’s also the favorite game of Thomas…