Yesterday was a special day in the Remedy community. Alan Wake has turned nine years old. Alan Wake is loved by many gamers around the world. With almost each and every reveal Remedy does, the studio is faced with the question when they are planning to start development on a sequel. Remedy has stated time after time again the willingness to develop a sequel is definitely there, but can only happen when “the time is right”. We know a TV series about the franchise is currently in the works that could possibly continue the lore or explain more about the faith of our protagonist.
The anniversary did not go by unnoticed. Various fans created art or expressed their fondest memories, while others created retrospect videos, articles or even got themselves a tattoo. PayneReactor asked the community to share some of their fondest memories with us. Many of you were keen to share and we’ve received some amazing stories. We’d like to highlight a few of these today.
Favorite moment? I gave my son my Xbox 360 (just got an X) and he found Alan Wake on there. He flew through the game, completely hooked, and couldn't stop talking about how cool it was. Yesterday, I bought him American Nightmare on 360 and he's stoked. That's my favorite moment.
— ThoughT | Composer (@ComposerThoughT) 14 mei 2019
Heartwarming to see how a passion for gaming is being passed on to the next generation. Alan Wake’s universe is one you can easily immerse yourself in with memorable characters and locations dripping with atmosphere.
My favourite moment is when you're on the Old Gods Of Asgard stage and Children Of The Elder God starts playing as you battle dozens of Taken.
— Mister No Life (@MrNoLife6) 14 mei 2019
The Old Gods of Asgard was a highlight shared by many Wake fans in the community. While the moment on the stage mentioned in the tweet is definitly a highlight of the game, so is its music. The Old Gods of Asgard are actually Poets of the Fall, the Finnish band that contributed a slew of songs to Remedy game titles.
I still remember I was moving the day before American Nightmare came out. I had moved all of my stuff into the new place, but knew there'd be no internet yet, so left the XBox and TV in the old apartment.
— mike (@MikesPS4) 14 mei 2019
I played that game in an empty apartment sitting on the floor with a TV.
If you’re a fan, you’re willing to make some concessions in order to experience that what you’ve been looking forward to playing.
that part inbetween the beginning and the end
— Svein Erik Jenset (@Fuglsetrampen) 14 mei 2019
This one cracked us up. We couldn’t agree more!
Alan and Barry on the way to the Anderson Farm, they decide to stay the night and get drunk in front of the log fire. No other game captured moments like this for me. Utterly brilliant.
— H0RR0R B0Y 🔪 (@GameScares) 14 mei 2019
So wholesome! Next to Alan, Barry Wheeler has also grown to become one of Remedy’s most liked characters by the community. The memories we’ve highlighted above are just a handful of the ones we’ve received in response to our tweet. Remedy themselves have created a Twitter highlight that features many many more stories. If you’re interested in reading those, click here to go there. Let’s hope around Wake’s tenth anniversary, there is more to talk about the franchise’s future!