Reminiscing on the development of Max Payne with Scott Miller.

When Max Payne got released in the summer of 2001, it was a smashing success for both Remedy Entertainment and Apogee. The story of the gritty, hardboiled cop instantly put the Finnish game studio on the map. Max Payne gained critical acclaim…

The Perfect Screenshot.

Allow me to take you back to October 2003, a few days after the release of Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne. I vividly remember how I’ve spent my winter holiday that year. For days, I had locked myself…

How Petri Alanko had to change everything to score Control.

Over the course of time, Remedy and Petri Alanko have become somewhat inseparable. The composer of Alan Wake-fame has been with the studio for over a decade and has scored all of their games since. When Remedy announced Control, fans…

We made Navie D go Bananas.

It’s not often that an artists manages to create something that resonates with me for days. It’s like they created the right content at the right time, without even realizing it you craved for it. Even though the indie-game My…

Interview with Petri Alanko.

For a very long time it has been a wish to interview one of the key figures behind the Alan Wake and Quantum Break games. During a random discussion via Twitter the moment finally revealed itself. I was given the opportunity to interview Petri…