If you’re able to read this, it means you’ve survived the dreaded day that’s April 1st. It has become a yearly tradition by companies around the world to come up with elaborate schemes and plans in order to fool you. While many are presented in such fashion you’re doubting whether you’re being fooled or not, others are satirical enough to entertain but not mislead.
In case you might have missed it, Remedy have uploaded a video yesterday announcing a new feature that will be shipped in Control. The feature is called “Technicolor” and enables some sort of filter that colors shapes and surfaces with a bright pastel color scheme. “Are the shifting corridors of the Oldest House too dark and scary? We have now made Control much more accessible and friendly. Control will ship with technicolor mode enabled.” Says the description of the video. Obviously this is an April Fool’s joke, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the feature will eventually make it into the game.
Remedy is currently occupied with finishing the game but already admitted a photo mode is high of their Wishlist when it comes to post-launch content (for obvious reasons). It might very well be possible that mode will feature various effects (including this one) to spice up those screenshots. Last year, remedy tried to fool us it was shifting it’s focus from creating videogames to start producing coffee.