Inhale, 3..2..1, exhale. Stay calm, stay in control. I woke up this morning, freaking out of my mind. I rushed to work in order to bring you this news as fast as possible. Would you believe me if I told you there was a huge traffic jam on the way to the office? It felt like there was a divine power that was repeatedly taunting me. Forcing me to think about what I had seen over and over again. I had seen something exciting and I wanted to share my enthusiasm with the world! Like it wasn’t hard enough to try and stay awake in order to see the Sony E3 press conference in the first place. Remember when you were a little kid? How hard it was to survive through the night before Christmas? It felt like that.
It happened people. Remedy revealed their new IP with a trailer. It’s called Control. And it looks exciting.
The Oldest House.
“Control is Jesse Fadens’s story. The main plot focuses on her personal search for answers as she grows into the role of the Director. The world of Control has its own story, as do the allies Jesse meets along the way. Side-quests and Secrets are everywhere. Jesse works with other Bureau agents, decodes cryptic ciphers and discovers strange Bureau experiments.” –
Faden’s troubled past has led her to New York, to a huge concrete skyscraper known as the Oldest House. Within lies the headquarters of a secretive government agency known as the Federal Bureau of Control. Things there go horribly wrong. And for Jesse, they really do: the Bureau is invaded by the otherworldly Hiss, a force that corrupts everything in its way and kills the Director of the Bureau.
Through mysterious, ritualistic events, Jesse becomes the new Director of the Bureau and has to take on the Hiss with her newly enhanced supernatural abilities. She also has something called the Service Weapon, a special, supernaturally enhanced gun that only the Director of the Bureau can use, which can change form at her will.
Driven by narrative and gameplay.
Control looks amazing. It’s everything you’d expect from a Remedy game. Mysterious, driven by a strong narrative and characters and graphically impressive. Set within a sprawling New York building after a mystical threat invades, the game is fueled by supernatural abilities, upgrades and modifiable loadouts.
Visually, Control looks similar to Quantum Break but with more emphasis on “shifting architecture”. The female lead of the game is being played by actress Courtney Hope. Hope also starred in Quantum Break as Beth Wilder.
Remedy’s Head of Communications, Tomas Puha, stated on Twitter: “Before I fall asleep. The trailer is deliberate in how it shows gameplay and the environments…we really wanted to show the actual game. In the next few days, you’ll learn a lot more about Control and it’s gameplay-driven design.” It’s true, the trailer contains mostly in-game content and gameplay. A nice change among a lot of CGI trailers during this year’s E3. My body is ready Thomas. Hit me.
PayneReactor is here to report all things Control every step of the way. The game is coming out on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC in 2019.