Just hours ago, Remedy’s Community Manager Vida Starčević took the (fictional) stage for another Control livestream. She was joined by Communication Director Thomas Puha, Game Director Mikael Kasurinen and Narrative Designer Brooke Maggs.
On the center of the stage was the game’s third mission called Directorial Override. Now, this build of the game was the same as the one that was shown to members of the press and influencers at E3. However, Remedy’s approach in this stream was quite different. Community members were allowed to give directions on what Thomas Puha had to do. For example, what side missions to accept and explore or which parts of the level he had to explore. It all made up for an exciting adventure in which you, as the viewer, could participate. That’s probably the “closest” we can get in playing the game right now. Control is not far off anymore though. Just two months to go!
For those who might have missed it, we’ve embedded the stream below for you convenience. The game was running on a Playstation 4 Pro console and seemed to run silky smooth. The dev’s even unlocked a few trophies for those who are curious. With that being said, Starčević remarked those are still not finalized and might be subject to change.