If you haven’t been living under a rock for the past few months, you too know that Red Dead Redemption 2 is due to release tomorrow. Rockstar Games have been grabbing headlines a lot lately, with media openly questioning the company’s work- ethics and conditions on one side, while praising the game’s scale and realism on the other. Rockstar Games’s games used to feature an all start cast when it comes to voice acting. The developer is now consciously choosing for lesser-known talent, believing this will add to the level of immersion.
Our friends in Finland on the other hand, did the exact opposite. Control is a reunion of actors that have contributed to Remedy games in the past. Courtney Hope, Matthew Porretta and James McCaffrey all play a major role in Remedy’s next adventure. During the New York Comic Con convention a few weeks ago, Remedy held a panel that featured all actors. A fifteen-minute video of the panel was released yesterday. All actors briefly receive some time to share stories of how they got involved in Remedy’s new project and how the roles are shaped for them through experiences with Remedy. It’s cool to see the cast getting along so well and also to get a sense of how the actors behave in real life. Each incredible kind and passionate people, this shows the effort that these people put in their work and makes relating to them easier. The video you can find embedded below.