Gaming University is a YouTube channel with the intention to comment on the role of videogames in modern literature. The videos are made not only to discuss aspects of a game but also to delve deeper into a game’s lore and philosophy. A good story not only entertains but guides the viewer to think about new things. To question morality or to inspire. To close the book, finish the game or walk out of the cinema with new insight.
While released late last year, Gaming University’s video on Ahti the janitor has gained quite the amount of views. And not without reason. Whether it be Max Payne always thinking in symbols and metaphors or Sheriff Breaker commenting to Alan that his writing style is, “A little heavy on the metaphors…” the literary method of the Remedy writer’s is apparent. The use of symbolism is the basis of how their stories are crafted and woven together.
So when investigating the events and characters of Control, we must not only look at what happened and who this individual is, but also what they represent symbolically within the story.
Ahti is the most mysterious character within the game. A janitor who doesn’t require an HRA to resist the Hiss and vanishes into the Foundation near the end of the story. To riddle out who he is we must identify what he represents on a symbolic/archetypal basis in order to hypothesize about which he really is.